Cincinnatians Love to Say “PLEASE”



HG Logistics LLC is located right in the heart of Cincinnati, Ohio. We are true Cincinnatians. As Cincinnati natives, we love our Bengals and Cincinnati Reds, we have the best chili, we often are referred to as “Porkopolis,” and people come all over to run in our “Flying Pig Marathon.” Perhaps what you didn’t know about us, is that we have a love for the word, “Please.”

Living in Cincinnati, saying the word “please” becomes second nature. Just as Canadians say “sorry” and a southerner says “y’all,” Cincinnatians say the word, “please.” The most common use is using the word “please” in the place of “excuse me,” This often leaves visitors a little confused at first, but it quickly grows on them and before long, they are saying it too.

This week, HG Logistics learned another use of the word “please.” Author and speaker, Terry Dean, shared with us his perspective on the word “please” and how it has proven valuable in analyzing and meeting the needs of customers.

P repare for uncovering needs
L isten for the needs
E xplain how you can address those needs
A gree on the needs and your ability to fulfill them
S ummarize the agreed upon needs, features and solutions
E xecute the agreed upon plan


Terry Dean’s take on “Please” reinforces HG Logistics’ goal to build relationships with our customers. Understanding their requirements, their needs, and their expectations are essential to providing excellent transportation solutions.

So as true Cincinnatians, HG Logistics will stand by our word, “PLEASE,” as we look to take care of customers.