Big News for HG Logistics and her sister company, Hill & Griffith


By now, you may have heard about the new ownership of HG Logistics. As those new owners, we’d like to take this opportunity to say hello and share our vision for the future of HG Logistics.

As two long-time employees of The Hill and Griffith Company—with a combined 49-year history—we know firsthand that customers have come to rely on the high-quality service offerings they expect from HG Logistics. We want to maintain that going forward, even as ownership changes.

Read press release

For you as a customer, this transition should be a smooth one, potentially even going unnoticed in the near term. Everything you know about HG Logistics today will remain the same. The same goes for your direct rep and all of your points of contact, as well as the level of service you receive.

We’re thrilled to continue to be so involved in a company that has been such a meaningful part of our careers, and we look forward to many more years guiding HG Logistics forward.

If you have any questions at all, please reach out directly to your direct rep.


Ryan Canfield and Mike Lawry

The CEO and President of HG Logistics